By: Ashley Hicks (@amhicks01)
I fell in love with Brooks Running Ravenna’s the first day I laced them on my feet and stepped on the street for a long run. I’ve worn them in countless races and for countless miles. I first started wearing the Ravennas after I got my gait analyzed and realized that I slight pronate – not enough to be in a support shoe. But, enough to need a tiny bit of support. According to Brooks, the Ravennas are, “Riding the line between Neutral and Support, the Ravenna 5 gives you that just-right blend of cushion and stability.”
What I like about the Ravenna is that it’s great for long runs and higher mileage. It also is breathable and light enough without making you feel like it’s holding your foot hostage. I recently had a chance to test drive the latest Ravennas, the Ravenna 5.
Lightweight – These are noticeable lighter than their predecessor
Great fit for my wide feet – If you have wide feet you can appreciate this. The Ravenna’s have a wide toe box. No more squished toes!
Extra cushion in the midfoot
Color – This is a personal preference, but I’m not a huge fan of the color options. I could be because I have the Transcends and I ABSOLUTELY love them and the colors.