Historically, I'm not a lady with much patience. I hate waiting. Absolutely hate it. I'm pretty sure that this is an affliction that I've suffered with during the majority of my life. Instant gratification is the way I roll. We even moved our wedding up four months because I couldn't wait.
So, when I publicly announced that I was going natural, I couldn't wait to make my Christmas trek home to embark on my journey with the big chop. My mind was made up, I was at peace with rocking the teeny-weeny-Afro (twa) for a few months. A small price to pay for the natural goodness.
It was Christmas Eve, 9:30 p.m. at night. I had finally convinced my mom that cutting my hair was the only option, otherwise it would NOT be a merry Christmas. Like my Mom always does she suggested that she do a short cut first, then we'd move to the bigger cut. She started cutting and I literally thought she was going to cry. My step-dad walked through the kitchen mumbling, "Why??!! Why???" (he likes long hair) my husband watched in silence.
Once she was done with something that looked like a bowl cut, she stopped and simply refused to cut anymore. Long story short, this is the cut I ended up with. Not the best hair cut I've ever had, but it'll do.
Anyhow, I've become somewhat obsessed about this process reading every blog I can about the natural hair journey. I can't really wrap my mind around the formula of going natural. Is it really about waiting half inch by half inch? If so, this is going to be a loooong journey.
I figure this is the real start of my pilgrimage to patience by way of going natural and training for the 2011 Publix Half Marathon. I guess if it's going to be long and boring, I might as well make it interesting.